Pro-Tool – 深圳福欣智能 // 福禄克测试仪|FLUKE万用?#124;代理DTX-1800|DSX-5000|OPVXG Thu, 28 Oct 2021 06:38:58 +0000 zh-CN hourly 1 // Pro-Tool – 深圳福欣智能 // // Sun, 12 Jun 2011 17:41:14 +0000 // Pro-Tool 工具包(常卖型号?span class='wp_keywordlink_affiliate'>IS60?/strong> – 切割、剥线、清洁和建立连接所需的全部工具尽在一个套件包中?/p>

Pro-Tool 工具包(常卖型号?span class='wp_keywordlink_affiliate'>IS60)产品概览:

所有工具套件都包含一个人机工程学设计 Dur-a-Grip 兜,可装在工具带上以便存放工?br /> D914?D814工业标准压线工具可实现牢靠端?br /> 易于使用的电缆剥线器可快速环剥和纵切多种类型导线
可使?Probe Pic 来检查松动或损坏的接?br /> 使用电工?D-Snips 可更加整洁和快速地切割导线和剥除外?br /> 六种工具的组合适用于大量应?/p>

Pro-Tool 工具包(常卖型号?span class='wp_keywordlink_affiliate'>IS60)产品功能:

可将电气及电信技术人员使用的必备工具装在柔滑、合身的 PVC Dur-A-Grip 工具兜内,工具存放安全牢靠,即使上下颠倒也无妨。可从六种工具的组合中进行选择,以满足众多应用需要?/p>

All the tools you need (in one pouch) to cut, strip, clean and make connections

IS60 Pro-Tool Kit
The professional tools you need to cut, strip, clean and connect wire and cable in datacom and telecom applications. All-in-one ergonomically designed pouch for convenient tool storage on belt to make your job easier. Includes:  D914S Impact Tool, Electrician’s D-Snips, Cable Stripper, Mini Maglite, Sharpie pen  and Dur-a-Grip Pouch(包括D914S冲击型打线刀?span class='wp_keywordlink_affiliate'>D-Snip电线剪刀、剥线器、手电筒、EverSharp66/110切割刀片和工具?

IS50 Pro-Tool Kit
The IS50 Pro-Tool kit is comprised of the most essential tools for electrical and telecom technicians in a durable compact PVC pouch. The following items are included in this convenient kit: D914S Impact Tool, Electrician’s D-Snips, Cable Stripper, and an EverSharp 66/110 Cut Blade(包括D914S冲击型打线刀?span class='wp_keywordlink_affiliate'>D-Snip电线剪刀、剥线器、EverSharp66/110切割刀片和工具?

IS40 Pro-Tool Kit
The IS40 Pro-Tool kit is comprised of the most essential tools for electrical and telecom technicians in a durable compact PVC pouch. The following items are included in this convenient kit: D814? class= Impact Tool, Electrician’s D-Snips, Cable Stripper, EverSharp 66/110 Cut Blade, and the Probe Pic.(包括D814冲击型打线刀、D-Snip电线剪刀、剥线器、EverSharp66/110切割刀片、线钩和工具?

IS25 Pro-Tool Kit
The essential professional tools for cutting stripping and working with all types of wire and cable – even in a dark environment!  All-in-one ergonomically designed pouch for convenient tool storage on belt to make your job easier. Includes Electrician’s D-Snips, Cable Knife, Mini Maglite and Dur-A-Grip Pouch.(包括D-Snip电线剪刀、电缆刀、手电筒和工具包)

IS15 Pro-Tool Kit
The essential tools for cutting, stripping, and working with all type of wire or cable. A necessity for your tool belt!  All-in-one ergonomically designed pouch for convenient tool storage on belt to make your job easier. Includes Electrician’s D-Snips, Cable Knife and Dur-A-Grip Pouch.(包括D-Snip电线剪刀、电缆刀和工具包)

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